Artificial Intuition is Next Generation AI

Finds faults before they materialize and solves nasty, super-complex problems.

Artificial Intuition identifies fragilities and inefficiencies in complex, critical systems. In real time. Without Machine Learning. Very fast.

Artificial Intuition. Do things differently.


QCM used in DoD, DHS and FAA programs

Our QCM-based Artificial Intuition is used in technology development programs with the DoD, DHS and FAA.

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Why Is Artificial Intuition so Fast?

Artificial Intuition does not need training. It does not resort to Machine Learning, which requires massive amounts of data. This is why it can function in real time. This is why it doesn’t require expensive GPUS and runs on standard hardware.



Need Resilience?

To increase resilience it is necessary to find fragility hotspots. Artificial Intuition does precisely that. And without resorting to Machine Learning. Knowing where and why fragilities may develop can help engineer better, resilient products.

This is a pressing issue in complex hi-tec products which are full of software and electronics.



Beyond Machine Learning

There are numerous circumstances in which there are not enough examples from which to learn, or simply because there is not enough time. In many cases one must make critical decisions on the fly as situations quickly change, like on a battlefield on in states of emergency and crisis. Artificial Intuition provides critical decision support under pressure.



How Bad can it Get?

The critical state - known as critical complexity - corresponds to the worst-case scenario. It can change with time.

Can a good strategy exist without knowing what the worst case looks like?

Artificial Intuition helps prioritise actions when under pressure or in a crisis.
