Ontonix and BLUE Engineering Sign Partnership Agreement

Como, March 7th 2025. Ontonix, a technology company delivering Quantitative Complexity Management (QCM) and Artificial Intuition technology for early warnings and anomaly detection, and Turin-based BLUE Engineering & Design Group, have signed a Partnership Agreement. The goal is to promote, market and commercialize respective products and services, engaging jointly in exciting and innovative engineering projects.

“The partnership with BLUE Engineering will allow Ontonix to expand vastly its offering in engineering and manufacturing, integrating BLUE’s experience in large industrial projects with our Artificial Intution technology, leading to a unique combination of competences and tools. The two companies together will be able to offer a package of services ranging from Engineering & Design in various industrial sectors (Railway, Automotive, Aerospace and IT) to Complexity Management and Artificial Intuition.”, said Dr. J. Marczyk, the CEO of Ontonix.

"Blue Engineering S.r. l. is pleased to announce the recent signing of an agreement with Ontonix. The relationship with Dr. Marczyk, dates back to the mid 1990s when together we developed European projects focused on advanced risk management, assessment of system complexity and on techniques for measuring fragility and robustness of vehicles and mobility systems", said Mr. M. Eid, BLUE's CEO.

BLUE GROUP, founded in 1993 in Northern Italy, is a leading benchmark in Automotive, Railway, and Aerospace engineering and design, specializing in eco-friendly first and last mile connectivity solutions for smart cities.

For more information, visit website.

Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Visionary, ex rocket scientist, businessman and writer with over 35 years of experience in QUANTITATIVE large-scale Uncertainty and Complexity Management in diverse fields (manufacturing, finance, economics).

Author of ten books on simulation, uncertainty and complexity management, rating.

Developed in mid 90s the theory of eigenvalue orbits, a generalization of the concept of eigenvalue.

In 2000-2005 has developed the first Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT), including a comprehensive measure of complexity.

Founded Ontonix Complexity Management in 2005 in the USA and launched in 2006 the first commercial system for MEASURING and managing complexity: OntoSpace.


In 2009 developed real-time technology to measure the complexity and stability of patients during operation or permanence in Intensive Care Units.


Developed a new theory of risk and rating published in 2009 in a book entitled "A New Theory of Risk and Rating".

Over last decade develops quantitative complexity management (QCM) technology and solutions for applications in economics, finance, Risk Rating and Management as well as in Asset Management and medicine. In the past five years works towards the democratization of ratings.

Ontonix Receives Contract from Banca Popolare di Sondrio

Como, February 27-th 2024. Ontonix, a company developing unique and exclusive solutions and services in Quantitative Complexity Management, announces a contract from the Banca Popolare di Sondrio for the annual renewal of the license of its software products as well as consulting services.

About Banca Popolare di Sondrio

Founded in 1871, the Banca Popolare di Sondrio is one of the first Italian cooperative banks that was inspired by the popular cooperative banking movement. Over time and thanks to the gradual expansion of it´s activities and presence on the territory, the bank gained more regional dimensions with the possibility of operating nationwide, while at the same time keeping strong ties to the zone of origin. The bank employs more than 2,500 persons, and has 300 branches. For more information visit website.

Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Visionary, ex rocket scientist, businessman and writer with over 35 years of experience in QUANTITATIVE large-scale Uncertainty and Complexity Management in diverse fields (manufacturing, finance, economics).

Author of ten books on simulation, uncertainty and complexity management, rating.

Developed in mid 90s the theory of eigenvalue orbits, a generalization of the concept of eigenvalue.

In 2000-2005 has developed the first Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT), including a comprehensive measure of complexity.

Founded Ontonix Complexity Management in 2005 in the USA and launched in 2006 the first commercial system for MEASURING and managing complexity: OntoSpace.


In 2009 developed real-time technology to measure the complexity and stability of patients during operation or permanence in Intensive Care Units.


Developed a new theory of risk and rating published in 2009 in a book entitled "A New Theory of Risk and Rating".

Over last decade develops quantitative complexity management (QCM) technology and solutions for applications in economics, finance, Risk Rating and Management as well as in Asset Management and medicine. In the past five years works towards the democratization of ratings.

Ontonix Offers Data Quality Assessment Service

Como, 3-rd December, 2023. Ontonix, a technology company delivering Quantitative Complexity Management (QCM) and Artificial Intuition technology for early warnings and anomaly detection, launches a new Data Quality Assessment Service.

“Nowadays, many companies rely on a data-driven business model. The value of data cannot be overstated. However, in the majority of cases, data quality is low, presenting gaps, unjustified discontinuities, off the scale readings, overlaps or lack of synchronisation”, said Dr. J. Marczyk, the founder and CEO of Ontonix. “This is particularly true when data is collected from mobile or portable devices with sensors that sometimes malfunction, or are mounted improperly, or are badly calibrated. In other cases, due to memory limitations, averages over long periods are stored, killing precious information and warping the information contained in the original data”, he added.

“Such practice, which reflects the lack of a proper ‘data culture’, makes it difficult to extract useful information, or to provide meaningful anomaly early-warning signals. Low quality data is a nightmare to work with and it also reflects the quality of the processes that generate it. It can be penalizing for us to work with such data as it forces us to perform work which the customer should have done before delivering his data to us. Because of this, we have decided to offer a Data Quality Assessment Service to anyone who works with a lot of data, even to those who are not interested in early warnings, resilience, or complexity management.”, he concluded.

Data quality assessment is an integral part of every project that Ontonix performs. As of the date of the present Press Release, quality assessment of customer’s data will be offered as a specific service, providing measures of data conditioning, degree of disorder (chaoticity) and overall quality, as well as a ranking of key variables and sources of fragility of the entire data set. Data quality impacts directly the risk one faces when making decisions based on the said data.

As of the date of the present Press Release, in order to engage Ontonix it will be necessary to guarantee a sufficiently high level of data quality.

For information on Ontonix, visit www.ontonix.com/

Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Visionary, ex rocket scientist, businessman and writer with over 35 years of experience in QUANTITATIVE large-scale Uncertainty and Complexity Management in diverse fields (manufacturing, finance, economics).

Author of ten books on simulation, uncertainty and complexity management, rating.

Developed in mid 90s the theory of eigenvalue orbits, a generalization of the concept of eigenvalue.

In 2000-2005 has developed the first Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT), including a comprehensive measure of complexity.

Founded Ontonix Complexity Management in 2005 in the USA and launched in 2006 the first commercial system for MEASURING and managing complexity: OntoSpace.


In 2009 developed real-time technology to measure the complexity and stability of patients during operation or permanence in Intensive Care Units.


Developed a new theory of risk and rating published in 2009 in a book entitled "A New Theory of Risk and Rating".

Over last decade develops quantitative complexity management (QCM) technology and solutions for applications in economics, finance, Risk Rating and Management as well as in Asset Management and medicine. In the past five years works towards the democratization of ratings.

Ontonix Develops Risk Stratification Tool for Multimorbidity AF Patients

Como, 20-th July, 2023. Ontonix, a technology company delivering Quantitative Complexity Management (QCM) hardware and software (HW & SW) for early warnings and anomaly detection, has developed Risk Stratification Tool for Multimorbidity Atrial Fibrillation Patients.

In the framework of the European Horizon Project AFFIRMO, grant 899871, Ontonix has developed a Risk Stratification tool which provides a probability score of patient hospitalization within a 1-year period. The specific aim of the AFFIRMO project is to implement and test the effectiveness of an integrated patient-centered holistic care pathway for the management of older patients with AF and multimorbidity, which will facilitate cooperation among different health disciplines and promote a shared decision-making processchronic conditions.

The work has been performed within a work package led by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, where the tool is being tested. Tests with batches of 2450 and 3100 patients, show a hit ratio of 92% and the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) of 0.86.

“The tool may be adapted to process other types of data, such as that collected from pacemakers/ICDs implanted in patients with cardiac disorders, providing an improved and patient-specific post-implant care and monitoring”, said Dr. J. Marczyk, the CEO of Ontonix. “Participation in the AFFIRMO consortium has enabled us to develop this new tool which will now be made available to our clients for evaluation and testing”, he concluded.

The goal of the AFFIRMO project (Atrial Fibrilation integrated approach in Frail, multimoRbid and polyMedicated Older people) is to implement the effectiveness of an integrated patient-centered holistic care pathway for the management of older patients with Atrial Fibrillation and multimorbidity, which will facilitate cooperation among different health disciplines and promote a shared decision-making process. The final result will be to provide comprehensive management of AF, which being tailored in the context of coexisting disease and patient preferences can potentially lead to a reduction in physical and mental impairment allowing the older patient to cope better with multimorbidity. The project (899871) has a duration of five years. For more information visit AFFIRMO.

Ontonix develops early-warning systems for medical applications based on its Artificial Intuition technology. For more information visit site.

For information on Ontonix, visit www.ontonix.com/

Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Visionary, ex rocket scientist, businessman and writer with over 35 years of experience in QUANTITATIVE large-scale Uncertainty and Complexity Management in diverse fields (manufacturing, finance, economics).

Author of ten books on simulation, uncertainty and complexity management, rating.

Developed in mid 90s the theory of eigenvalue orbits, a generalization of the concept of eigenvalue.

In 2000-2005 has developed the first Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT), including a comprehensive measure of complexity.

Founded Ontonix Complexity Management in 2005 in the USA and launched in 2006 the first commercial system for MEASURING and managing complexity: OntoSpace.


In 2009 developed real-time technology to measure the complexity and stability of patients during operation or permanence in Intensive Care Units.


Developed a new theory of risk and rating published in 2009 in a book entitled "A New Theory of Risk and Rating".

Over last decade develops quantitative complexity management (QCM) technology and solutions for applications in economics, finance, Risk Rating and Management as well as in Asset Management and medicine. In the past five years works towards the democratization of ratings.

Ontonix Publishes Article in Biomedical Journal of Science and Technology

Como, 5-th May, 2023. Ontonix Publishes Article in Biomedical Journal of Science and Technology on “Protein Folding – Quantification of Protein Complexity, Robustness and Amino Acid Participation”. The QCT (Quantitative Complexity Theory) algorithm has been applied to the analysis of the folding process of a protein composed of 435 atoms, monitoring its complexity at each step thereof. The folding has been simulated using Molecular Dynamics Simulation. The analysis has revealed that, while in the native state, the protein’s configuration minimizes its energy, its complexity reaches a maximum.

The experiment described in the paper illustrates how complexity can be used to measure the robustness of a protein, which may be linked to its longevity, as well as determine teh degree of participation of each amino acid in the protein’s global properties.

Dowload the article.

Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR - www.biomedres.us) is a multidisciplinary, scholarly Open Access publisher focused on Genetic, Biomedical and Remedial missions in relation with Technical Knowledge as well.

Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Visionary, ex rocket scientist, businessman and writer with over 35 years of experience in QUANTITATIVE large-scale Uncertainty and Complexity Management in diverse fields (manufacturing, finance, economics).

Author of ten books on simulation, uncertainty and complexity management, rating.

Developed in mid 90s the theory of eigenvalue orbits, a generalization of the concept of eigenvalue.

In 2000-2005 has developed the first Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT), including a comprehensive measure of complexity.

Founded Ontonix Complexity Management in 2005 in the USA and launched in 2006 the first commercial system for MEASURING and managing complexity: OntoSpace.


In 2009 developed real-time technology to measure the complexity and stability of patients during operation or permanence in Intensive Care Units.


Developed a new theory of risk and rating published in 2009 in a book entitled "A New Theory of Risk and Rating".

Over last decade develops quantitative complexity management (QCM) technology and solutions for applications in economics, finance, Risk Rating and Management as well as in Asset Management and medicine. In the past five years works towards the democratization of ratings.

Ontonix Publishes Article in Biomedical Journal of Science and Technology

Como, 10-th March, 2023. Ontonix Publishes Article in Biomedical Journal of Science and Technology on “Complexity Quantification and Comparison of Two Commercially Available Anti-Coagulants”. The article describes how, based on atomic trajectories obtained via Molecular Dynamics simulations, QCM (Quantitative Complexity Management) technology has been utilized to measure and compare the complexity of the molecules of two commercially available and widely used anti-coagulants with very similar side effects. It has been found that the dynamics of one of the two molecules to be significantly more complex.

The experiment described in the paper illustrates how complexity provides a novel mechanism for the analyzing and ranking of drug molecules and may, thus, prove to be a proxy of some of their physio-chemical properties, such as toxicity.

Dowload the article.

Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR - www.biomedres.us) is a multidisciplinary, scholarly Open Access publisher focused on Genetic, Biomedical and Remedial missions in relation with Technical Knowledge as well.

Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Visionary, ex rocket scientist, businessman and writer with over 35 years of experience in QUANTITATIVE large-scale Uncertainty and Complexity Management in diverse fields (manufacturing, finance, economics).

Author of ten books on simulation, uncertainty and complexity management, rating.

Developed in mid 90s the theory of eigenvalue orbits, a generalization of the concept of eigenvalue.

In 2000-2005 has developed the first Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT), including a comprehensive measure of complexity.

Founded Ontonix Complexity Management in 2005 in the USA and launched in 2006 the first commercial system for MEASURING and managing complexity: OntoSpace.


In 2009 developed real-time technology to measure the complexity and stability of patients during operation or permanence in Intensive Care Units.


Developed a new theory of risk and rating published in 2009 in a book entitled "A New Theory of Risk and Rating".

Over last decade develops quantitative complexity management (QCM) technology and solutions for applications in economics, finance, Risk Rating and Management as well as in Asset Management and medicine. In the past five years works towards the democratization of ratings.

Ontonix Receives Contract from Banca Popolare di Sondrio

Como, February 15-th 2023. Ontonix, a company developing unique and exclusive solutions and services in Quantitative Complexity Management, announces a contract from the Banca Popolare di Sondrio for the annual renewal of the license of its software products as well as consulting services.

About Banca Popolare di Sondrio

Founded in 1871, the Banca Popolare di Sondrio is one of the first Italian cooperative banks that was inspired by the popular cooperative banking movement. Over time and thanks to the gradual expansion of it´s activities and presence on the territory, the bank gained more regional dimensions with the possibility of operating nationwide, while at the same time keeping strong ties to the zone of origin. The bank employs more than 2,500 persons, and has 300 branches. For more information visit website.

Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Visionary, ex rocket scientist, businessman and writer with over 35 years of experience in QUANTITATIVE large-scale Uncertainty and Complexity Management in diverse fields (manufacturing, finance, economics).

Author of ten books on simulation, uncertainty and complexity management, rating.

Developed in mid 90s the theory of eigenvalue orbits, a generalization of the concept of eigenvalue.

In 2000-2005 has developed the first Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT), including a comprehensive measure of complexity.

Founded Ontonix Complexity Management in 2005 in the USA and launched in 2006 the first commercial system for MEASURING and managing complexity: OntoSpace.


In 2009 developed real-time technology to measure the complexity and stability of patients during operation or permanence in Intensive Care Units.


Developed a new theory of risk and rating published in 2009 in a book entitled "A New Theory of Risk and Rating".

Over last decade develops quantitative complexity management (QCM) technology and solutions for applications in economics, finance, Risk Rating and Management as well as in Asset Management and medicine. In the past five years works towards the democratization of ratings.

Ontonix Publishes Article in LIFE Special Issue "Mathematical Methods and Data Analysis in Health and Biomedical Sciences"

Como, 24-th February, 2023. Ontonix publishes an article entitled "Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT) in Integrative Analysis of Cardiovascular Hemodynamic Response to Posture Change" in Life as part of the Special Issue Mathematical Methods and Data Analysis in Health and Biomedical Sciences and is available online:

Website: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/13/3/632

Life is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of scientific studies related to fundamental themes in life sciences, from basic to applied research, published monthly online by MDPI.

Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Visionary, ex rocket scientist, businessman and writer with over 35 years of experience in QUANTITATIVE large-scale Uncertainty and Complexity Management in diverse fields (manufacturing, finance, economics).

Author of ten books on simulation, uncertainty and complexity management, rating.

Developed in mid 90s the theory of eigenvalue orbits, a generalization of the concept of eigenvalue.

In 2000-2005 has developed the first Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT), including a comprehensive measure of complexity.

Founded Ontonix Complexity Management in 2005 in the USA and launched in 2006 the first commercial system for MEASURING and managing complexity: OntoSpace.


In 2009 developed real-time technology to measure the complexity and stability of patients during operation or permanence in Intensive Care Units.


Developed a new theory of risk and rating published in 2009 in a book entitled "A New Theory of Risk and Rating".

Over last decade develops quantitative complexity management (QCM) technology and solutions for applications in economics, finance, Risk Rating and Management as well as in Asset Management and medicine. In the past five years works towards the democratization of ratings.